I admit, I have a bit of a shoe problem and I am running out of closet space! Right now, I have a dinky shoe rack that doesn't hold too many shoes. I love the idea of individual plastic containers with a photo of the shoe, but I'm not sure if I have the space for that. Any ideas or suggestions? How do you store your shoes?
A girl can dream right? (Mariah Carey's shoe closet)
I share your same dilemma and it is so frustrating! Currently I keep the shoes from winter in my closet (or summer shoes in the closet if it's winter), and the shoes that I wear on a regular basis I keep stacked in their boxes in my room. But don't get me wrong, they are arranged classy & tastefully.. it doesn't look messy!
Have you ever seen this shoe wheel?
As the owner of almost 200 pair of shoes, I had the same problem. I ended up going to www.shoebby.com and ordered their product. I can see all my shoes, they stack easily, they stay dust free, and they are large enough that I can fit two pair in some of the boxes. Also, it makes transporting them easy too, since they each have an handle.
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