Saturday, September 6, 2008

So Me..So Not Me

I saw this on a couple other blogs and decided to make my own so you could all know a little more about moi.

So Me: beach vacation (sunshine, sand, tropical drinks, a good book..I'm there)

So Not Me: ski vacation (I looove skiing, I'd just rather vacation on the beach..maybe one day when I have money and am able to take more vacations..a girl can dream)

So Me: Food Network and HGTV are usually what I'm watching (except for my nightly shows of course)

So Not Me:
ESPN (I'd rather go to the game)

So Me: Spring Break on the streets of Paris..yes please! (Oh how I miss you Champs-Elysees)

So Not Me: spring break woohoo...(crowded beaches and "friendly" thanks)

So Me: any form..but especially ice cream!

So Not Me: candy (I'd rather eat chocolate!)

So Me: peonies

So Not Me: red roses...way too traditional for me..


Sienna said...

This was a way cute idea! i may just have to copy!

Sienna said...

Oh..and p.s. I so agree with you on the spring break thing. kinda weird for college students huh? We're just cool like that!