Thursday, October 16, 2008


The classic debate: love em or hate em?
I love them..they might not be the most fashionable boot, but nothing beats their warmth and comfort..and that's a big plus in my book when I'm trekking across campus in a blizzard!


a. said...

Never liked them - always thought they were ugly. I've heard they are comfortable but I could never get past the way they looked.

Holly said...

I have some, but I wouldnt call them fashionable or anything. They are great for cold winters and keeping my toes warm, but I've never worn them with bare legs and a denim mini!

Anonymous said...

i never liked them i have bear paw boots... cheaper and cute

Anonymous said...

I have Bearpaws too. I don't really care, I don't love Uggs, but they aren't horrible.

Anonymous said...

i love uggs. i think they r soooooooooo cuuuute. they are comfortable 2. and they look fabuluse with any outfit!!!!!!!!