Monday, November 10, 2008


Here are the Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Link to the person who tagged you : J'adore Fashion

Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
1. I don't like coffee but I like cappuccinos (but not the real kind--gas station style)

2. I've acquired a borderline scary amount of items with an Eiffel tower on them

3. I rarely wash my face

4. If I could shop anywhere but the mall it would be Hobby Lobby

5. I have an obsession with Perez Hilton..and Jake Gyllenhaal

6. I could eat Taco Bell everyday...soft taco supreme no lettuce or tomatoes..yum!

I tag anyone who wants to do it!


Kate said...

What is Hobby Lobby??

I am obsessed with Perez too :) Such a guilty pleasure!

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

omg, i love gas station capps, too! and taco bell is such a guilty pleasure of mine.