Monday, December 20, 2010


Sunday was our annual cookie exchange with my aunts and my grandma. I finally had an excuse to try out Ina Garten's palmiers which I have been dying to make. These were the perfect cookie to spice up our cookie tray. I added some cinnamon to the recipe and voila! 

These were so tasty (and easy) that I will be making them again before Christmas! 

On a side note: If you are interested in making these (you should), I would recommend using less sugar. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I'm a brand new follower! The cookies you made look yummy. How are you liking Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? I have it but haven't started reading it yet.

Sourav's BLOG said...

Yummy... feeling hungry..

Indian Sarees

Anonymous said...

oh those looks DELISH!

one downside of the waistline after the new years!

Kristen said...

Those look absolutely delish! Mmm...I love holiday cookies!

Allison said...

Omg, these are GORGEOUS and look so delicious! I will be making these tonight - I want to make cookies for all the women I work with (we don't do gifts), and these look absolutely PERFECT! :)

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

These cookies look so complex and elegant, glad to know they're easier than they look!

Holly said...

those look impressive!!!

Laura said...

those look delish and impressive! good job!

Ina is always right!

Anonymous said...

Those look so yummy!! Which cookbook of Ina's are they from?

la petite fashionista said...

YUM! I've been trying to get a group together to do a cookie exchange for a while; i love the idea :)

Stefanie said...

These are so pretty! Now I have to make them!

Sarah M said...

OMG OMG these look amazing! :D talentedd baker you are :D ahh must go bake am soo inspired :D <3

Rhiannon Bosse said...

Oh my gosh they look so good!!! I think I have to give these a try myself :) Thanks love bug for the inspiration xo